lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014


"Money” like song of Pink Floyd. The concept what changed of the world. The money is debauch of human being and changed of mind. Money for some is the happiness but other people represents survive…”make ends month”. Also, money means to different socio-economic gap.

In this time the human to steal, corrupt, bribes and even killed for money. The relationship of the human and money is really crazy. This is what I think about money.

…But, one has to live. So, the money transformed the means for living. For this, personally, I I've learned to manage my budget well and since it's something I've learned from my family.
…But, although is my critical thinking , I consider money serves as a "means" to get things done. For example, I was able to purchase equipment to develop myself as a filmmaker (Camera, tripod, sound equipment and “mac”).

If I was a millionaire, in the first instance will use money for help to my family, also would use for making any movies and humbly help people, I don’t know; contribute to the country, not with handouts but with creating places for citizens, especially in culture. 

So, it's like I consider money as a means, “not an end”. The money you get with work, with humility, not with abuse of power. And I repeat, money is not life changing, just like many other things helps.
I will hope, when we will live in a more equal and just world.

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