lunes, 6 de octubre de 2014

A píece of News: "Caso Penta"

The piece of news I’m going to comment happened inside ours country. Is something what all knew but anybody was dare to say. I talk about “Caso Penta”. This news is related to the political affairs of our country, more specified, about financing of political campaigns.

First, in July on this year, Internal Revenue Service (SII) discovered bad used money tax, by economic group ¨Penta¨. This case is considered the most important Chilean economic fraud in contemporary history.

In August, the business owner Carlos Alberto Délano and Carlos Eugenio Lavín were charged in by the Internal Revenue Service (SII) for tax evasion. But, this not finished. Inside business group was known relationship with financing some politician, generally for right wing. So, the different investigations (SII, Ciper and others politicians) they made more transparent contributions political campaigns, when members of parliament as Felipe Kast, Ena Von Baer, Ivan Moreira (all, of UDI) and others like Andrés Velasco, received money of Penta´s Group.

This week, different political group, government and opposition, will meet for find responsible and legal action to follow. TV, internet, radios and newspapers all attentive to what will happen in these days.

This news is really one scandal and showed to worst side Chilean political. The money moving the world, and this not good. Corruption, power, money. The people no longer want more abuse. If some politician is involved with this group, they will pay with jail.

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