lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014


When this year started, I said “this year will be very funny. World Championship, second to last year in the university, many proyects and good luck in everything”. Besides, in the chinese horoscope animals is Horse (I am Horse), these represent stability in put the foot in the earth.

Well, we stand november. The time fast pass like the wind and started to counting for this years. To good and bad times. Generally, 2014 has been a good year. As i said before, I love travel and I trip to Mendoza and south of Chilean (Huilo Huilo, is the best natural reserve I have seen in my life). In the jobs, this year has been full of proyects, above all, my job in “Londres 38” where I am in charge of the audiovisual área. I filmed many videoclips for independent bands music, this has been good year in the funny Jobs.

But, not all has been good. Two weeks ago an aunt suddenly was hospitalized. The diagnosis was “cerebral tumour”, what has been a shock to my family. Today, she recovers in my home, waiting for improve. Undoubtedly, the most painful in 2014.

¿what still have to do this year?

First, good way finished the academic year, for this pass at the last moment in the university (Short Films – Tesis). Continue my jobs in “Londres 38” and so to continue next year and finished once and for all my script. Ultimately finish filming the documentary I've been doing all year.

1 comentario:

  1. Don´t look he Don´t look heDon´t look heDon´t look heDon´t look he IS CRAZY
