lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014


"Money” like song of Pink Floyd. The concept what changed of the world. The money is debauch of human being and changed of mind. Money for some is the happiness but other people represents survive…”make ends month”. Also, money means to different socio-economic gap.

In this time the human to steal, corrupt, bribes and even killed for money. The relationship of the human and money is really crazy. This is what I think about money.

…But, one has to live. So, the money transformed the means for living. For this, personally, I I've learned to manage my budget well and since it's something I've learned from my family.
…But, although is my critical thinking , I consider money serves as a "means" to get things done. For example, I was able to purchase equipment to develop myself as a filmmaker (Camera, tripod, sound equipment and “mac”).

If I was a millionaire, in the first instance will use money for help to my family, also would use for making any movies and humbly help people, I don’t know; contribute to the country, not with handouts but with creating places for citizens, especially in culture. 

So, it's like I consider money as a means, “not an end”. The money you get with work, with humility, not with abuse of power. And I repeat, money is not life changing, just like many other things helps.
I will hope, when we will live in a more equal and just world.

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014

Ecology, environment, climate change and save the planet

Ecology, environment, climate change and save the planet. They are some important concepts that we hear every day. But, we do some about it? 

Today, we live on stage in when these topics have become important. Every day, we feel the climate change; temperatures changes, droughts, downpour, stranger sickness, etc… This represents lifestyles conflict with environment. 

I think that human beings are responsible for the ecological problem. Destroying green areas and building a false “progress”.  

But, every day, some people add to the ecological cause. Who?  For example, people changing the transport system of the car to the bicycle, creating “green” organizations and various protests against thermoelectrics, hydroelectrics or companies that threaten the environment (The most remembered is the fight of “Hidroaysén” in 2011). Then, I think that to produce large changes, we will have to start since educations, teaching at the boys the important for save the planet, the give value environment, only then, we will produce a change in the future. 

Personally, I have recycled in my home with my family. Plastics, glass and papers in different garbage box.  For example, I make recycled paper with ancient papers and so I create new books. Generally in my home, I have many plants. For other side, my family and me, we participate actively campaigns against hydroelectrics or companies that pollute the environment. The latter has been the struggle for "Alto Maipo".

Finally, I think the message at future should be to create more awareness about this issue, not to continue destroying what little is left of the planet earth.

lunes, 6 de octubre de 2014

A píece of News: "Caso Penta"

The piece of news I’m going to comment happened inside ours country. Is something what all knew but anybody was dare to say. I talk about “Caso Penta”. This news is related to the political affairs of our country, more specified, about financing of political campaigns.

First, in July on this year, Internal Revenue Service (SII) discovered bad used money tax, by economic group ¨Penta¨. This case is considered the most important Chilean economic fraud in contemporary history.

In August, the business owner Carlos Alberto Délano and Carlos Eugenio Lavín were charged in by the Internal Revenue Service (SII) for tax evasion. But, this not finished. Inside business group was known relationship with financing some politician, generally for right wing. So, the different investigations (SII, Ciper and others politicians) they made more transparent contributions political campaigns, when members of parliament as Felipe Kast, Ena Von Baer, Ivan Moreira (all, of UDI) and others like Andrés Velasco, received money of Penta´s Group.

This week, different political group, government and opposition, will meet for find responsible and legal action to follow. TV, internet, radios and newspapers all attentive to what will happen in these days.

This news is really one scandal and showed to worst side Chilean political. The money moving the world, and this not good. Corruption, power, money. The people no longer want more abuse. If some politician is involved with this group, they will pay with jail.