lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014

Best Friend...

When I was just a little boy, All spoken for  “best friend”, something changing all of time. Today, I don’t like talk about “best friend”, because I don’t have to prefer to different friends. But, for this work, I will talk about my classmate this life, with me in different battles, called Michel Diaz. We met in the school, when Michel got to seventh grade “D”. In your first day, I sat with him and I included in my friends group. Since this, we are great friends, we have share ours love for football (although, we are opponent, I like the “Universidad de Chile” and he , the arch-rivals “Colo Colo”), other thing, the political cause (we are going to protest before times of university), we shared many moments talking and drinking beers, etc… However, he is only person have been me in the good and bad times. We have never fought, and I know I can count on him.

If I had remember one good moment together, I memory the six years we got the Oktoberfest in Malloco, with all ours friends, even creating a name for ourselves, called “The Community of Beer”. We have travelled for different cities of Chile, inclusive in Argentina.

Finally, a friend is built over time. Michel was example for this.

lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2014

Pearl Jam in Chile. (16 - 11 - 2011)

“The concerts”, is one of the topics I like to talk… is more; I have been many concerts in my life, for that, is very difficult decided what is the best.  Even though, there are some that make all your life.  One of this was my first time saw a “Pearl Jam” in Santiago.  This band is from Seattle, and was famous for played "grunge" in decade of the nineties with Nirvana, Alice in Chains and Soundgarden.

This memorable event was in November of 2011 in Monumental Stadium, three years ago. This day played Pearl Jam for second time in Chile. I went with my girlfriend (at the time) and two friends. The opening doors were chaotic, millions of people running in the main area (I hate agglomeration). I was lived on the real rock concert. When the clock struck nine, turn off the lights on the stadium and the Seattle band enter the stage. I remember I closed my eyes when the first chords of “Unthrought Know" sounded. I can´t believe this beautiful moment, we didn´t imported full of people in their area. For three hours and more thirty songs played, Pearl Jam recorded in the best moments in my life, played memorable songs like to "Given to Fly", "I Got Id", "Nothingman", "Betterman", "Jeremy", "Alive" or "Black". 

This concert showed me what the Pearl Jam is a great band, my favourite. Today I remember as a day very beautiful moment and a compliment dream, listen to the soundtrack or my life. 


lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2014

The Seventh Seal

My favorite movie? This is the most popular question, and the difficult answer, but if I had choose someone I would said “The Seventh Seal”. This film is writing and direct by for my favorite filmmaker, the Swedish Ingmar Bergman and act by Max Von Sydow. This drama-fantasy film is located in medieval time, when Jons, the nihilistic knight, played chess game with of the Death, if ´ll Jons to win, he conserved with the life, but if he doesn´t, the death appropriated with soul.   This is existentialism movie, filmed in 1957 in black and white. So, my favorite scene is when played the chess game, but really I like so much the personification of the Death.

Bergman mixture existentialism and questioner of faith
This movie became in the most popular film by Ingmar Bergman.

I see this film when I have to sixteen year old and I changed my vision of the life and death, but is not only consequence, “The Seventh Seal” is important film for my decision at the studying cinema.