lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014


Ireland Flag
The most people when travel in the Europe, we visit typical country of Spain, Italy or France. But the other people like me, visited the other countries, not mainstream. 

I will go to the Ireland. Because is fascinated to the small country, and like this culture and the difficult history.

Sunday Bloddy Sunday
Ireland is an Island located in the northwest of the Continental Europe. This country separated in the North Ireland and the Republic of the Ireland, because when in the past, this culture fights for religion; protests and catholic`s. But in 1972, the most happened tragedy in the history of Ireland. This called “Sunday Bloody”, when the Britain soldiers killing innocent people what only protest for different public politics.

But, my fascinated in this country,so explicated of culture. James Joyce in the literature; U2, Cranberries and Glend Handsard in the music. All this located in Dublin, capital city. Your streets are surrender with many trees, castles and garden. There look around in the color green.

The last quality in this country is the beer. “Guinness” is a best beer in the world. Ireland has many bars. I will drink some black beer in the Dublin city…someday.
History, music, literature, beer, garden and the other quality make Ireland a country I want to know. 

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