jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013


In this age, the technology advance very quickly. This to cause have individualist society and dependent of technology.

I hate unnecessary exclusive technology just for pretends, this is problem in the new age, problem for Neo-liberalism. I like have useful object. I study Cine and Television, so my favourite piece of technology is my video-camera (also photograph camera). Since little boy my dream was to have video-camera but my family don´t have enough money. So, video-camera was luxury for this time.  

The next years, the video-cameras went down price, so I bought video-camera. This is a photograph camera (reflex model) with functionally to film. So, I was making the photograph and film. This camera filmed in Full HD. I use it every week for different opportunity, especially for university works. With this camera I filmed my first documentary called “The Last Function”, filmed the last years.

Even if don´t last modern camera, I like this because my mother sacrifices for help me bought. It’s a good investment for my future work.

Life without it would definitely be more boring, and very difficulty making short-films my own account.

I love cameras, maybe for then, I study some related for “motion pictures”.  


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