jueves, 16 de mayo de 2013


Today i am going to write about film website.

I love cinema, for this, I study film and television. I like watching Chilean movies (short and long films) and learning story for cinematography in my country. I think is a necessary to know our cinematic patrimony. For this, I recommended the website www.cinechile.cl because is an encyclopedic about Chilean movies, from the opening times at until today. 

It has many different sections. I see news for Chilean films in premiere, interview for director, historical articles (archive), movie review and all relative for Chilean films, but the most important section is a watching online movie, from short films at until full-lenght films. This website is used for make one´s name. I upload some short films. You can searching movies for director name, productions year, duration and genre (Documentary and Fiction)

This website contains most the two thousand online titles. It´s a really encyclopedic for Chilean cinema. 

I like this website because it is important platform broadcasting our cinema and important site for exhibitions films. In the part for searching movies or persons, you can see two films directed for me.

It´s a great website. I recommended upload yours films and learning for ours small cinema productions. 


jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

Alice in the Cities (1974)

Hello, today a will write about the last movie you saw.

This is germane movie called “Alice in den Städten” (Alice in the Cities) directed by Wim Wenders, one of the best director on “New Film Germany” in the decade of 70. I saw this movie in the last weekend in my home (I bought DVD the last month) with my mother and grandmother. 

The story is about Phil, germane journalism. He traveled United States for reporting but all went wrong and decided come back at Munich. When Phil stayed in the airport, he didn´t travelled but no have airplane. This moment Phil meets Alice. She is a little girl accompanied by her mother. Phil stays in the night with an Alice and her mother. The next morning, Alice mother´s disappear leaving little girl in charge at Phil. From this moment, Phil and Alice travelled for different cities searching someone familiar this girl. They started get to know each other. The physical travelled change at emotional travelled. Phil and Alice changed after the travel. 

This beautiful film is spectacularly interpreted for Rüdiger Vogler (Phil) and Yella Rottländer (Alice). I like so much filmed style for Wenders and I interesting me the topics of emotional travel and human existentialism. Respect to the cinematographic form, I like used white and black and 16 millimeters films (this texture is amazing visual). Finally, I like cheap films (under budget) and Wenders is a great director for me opinion. Totally to be recommended.   


jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013


In this age, the technology advance very quickly. This to cause have individualist society and dependent of technology.

I hate unnecessary exclusive technology just for pretends, this is problem in the new age, problem for Neo-liberalism. I like have useful object. I study Cine and Television, so my favourite piece of technology is my video-camera (also photograph camera). Since little boy my dream was to have video-camera but my family don´t have enough money. So, video-camera was luxury for this time.  

The next years, the video-cameras went down price, so I bought video-camera. This is a photograph camera (reflex model) with functionally to film. So, I was making the photograph and film. This camera filmed in Full HD. I use it every week for different opportunity, especially for university works. With this camera I filmed my first documentary called “The Last Function”, filmed the last years.

Even if don´t last modern camera, I like this because my mother sacrifices for help me bought. It’s a good investment for my future work.

Life without it would definitely be more boring, and very difficulty making short-films my own account.

I love cameras, maybe for then, I study some related for “motion pictures”.  


jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

My full name is Daniel Miranda Acuña, I have one name (only Daniel) for my mother decision.
I was born on the 23th August 1990 in Santiago, Chile and I live all my life in Conchalí (North of Santiago)
I was child an study in Catolic Scholl. (Primary and Second) after going to the Universiy where studied "Film and Television" in University of Chile. Today i be in third year.

My family is made up of my mother Pamela and my grandmother Ana, I live with they. I haven´t brothers. The rest of my family live in Santiago and we are very united.

I ´m very active person. Everyday make many thing. I love all arts, go to the cinema, drink the beer with my friends, playing rock music and see sports, for example: Soccer (my favourite team is Universidad de Chile) and Tennis. Suddenly play this sports. Then, I like so much go to the concert.

Finally, i will wish director of movies. Make the films about the tipical identity of chilean people. This is my dream in the future.

I see the next week with a new text.

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The Sevent Art