jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

My full name is Daniel Miranda Acuña, I have one name (only Daniel) for my mother decision.
I was born on the 23th August 1990 in Santiago, Chile and I live all my life in Conchalí (North of Santiago)
I was child an study in Catolic Scholl. (Primary and Second) after going to the Universiy where studied "Film and Television" in University of Chile. Today i be in third year.

My family is made up of my mother Pamela and my grandmother Ana, I live with they. I haven´t brothers. The rest of my family live in Santiago and we are very united.

I ´m very active person. Everyday make many thing. I love all arts, go to the cinema, drink the beer with my friends, playing rock music and see sports, for example: Soccer (my favourite team is Universidad de Chile) and Tennis. Suddenly play this sports. Then, I like so much go to the concert.

Finally, i will wish director of movies. Make the films about the tipical identity of chilean people. This is my dream in the future.

I see the next week with a new text.

Welcome to my blog

The Sevent Art